Bocconcini di caprese

Antipasti, BOCCONCINI : Primatoscana

Caprese, en italiensk delikatesse

Caprese er en klassisk italiensk salat som består av tomater, ost og frisk basillikum. Bocconcini og mozzarella er begge typer oster som kan brukes i en Caprese, men det er noen forskjeller mellom dem. Mozzarella er en stor ball med fersk ost, men boccocini er mindre kuler av mozarella. De er vanligvis på størrelse med en munnfull og brukes derfor ofte i mindre porsjoner eller mindre retter.

Faktisk kan ordet «bocconcini» oversettes til små munnfuller på norsk, noe som beskriver den perfekte størrelsen på disse små bitene.

Bocconcini di Caprese er kjent for sin silkeaktige konsistens og evne til å smelte i munnen. De passer godt med ferske tomater, basililum og ekstra virgin olivenolje. Alt som skal til for å skape den klassiske Caprese salaten. En enkel men herlig rett som hyller de beste smakene fra middelhavet. Her deler vi oppskriften til våre dyktige italienske venner i Cooking in Toscana.

Feriehus i Italia : Cooking in Toscana: Primatoscana

Mauro og Tze’ela har drevet Cooking in Toscana i over 20 år. Sammen deler de en intens lidenskap for to ting: Å lage mat og å være vertskap. Mauro og Tze’ela i Cooking in Toscana kan leies inn ved flere av våre villaer i Toscana.


200 gr. cherrytomater

Bocconcini-kuler eller en stor mozzarella, kuttet i terninger

En håndfull fersk basilikum-blader

Ekstra virgin olivenolje

En skje sukker

Friske oreganoblader


Svart kvernet pepper

1 ildfast form



Forvarm ovnen til 180.

Skjær cherrytomatene i to, på langs.

Legg dem i en ildfast form med snittflaten opp.

Dryss over salt, pepper, oreganoblader, ekstra virgin olivenolje og sukker.

Stekes i ovnen i ca 20 minutter, og til tomatene har en skorpe i kanten.

Sett til side for avkjøling.

Ha en halv kopp olivenolje i foodprosessoren sammen med basilikumbladene og en klype salt. Kjør til du får en grønn basilikumolje.


Legg 3-4 tomater i en krukke eller i et espressoglass. Tilsett noen terninger av mozzarella, og til slutt noen flere tomater. Hell en teskje av basilikumoliven over blandingen.

Passer å servere til en buffet, som antipasti eller som en aperitiff.


Server med hjemmelaget focaccia. Oppskrift finner du her!

Lag en antipasti buffet sammen med oliventapenade.

Google Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
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Gunvor J. Garvik
10:10 23 Oct 24
Both those who work in PrimaToscana and those who work at the reception at Varramista are super welcoming and helpful. Fast response time and on the offer side, both when it came to procuring transport and miscellaneous. activities such as wine tasting and cooking classes. Very satisfied! Would love to come back.
Torunn Neerland
11:53 21 Oct 24
Hello. Me and my friends had a great stay in September in Portovenere. Primatoscana can be highly recommended!
Aurora Hansen
11:05 21 Oct 24
We had a great holiday in Tuscany in an apartment at the Casale Terricciola winery. Nice and easy communication. No problems.
Torill Mathiesen
07:49 14 Oct 24
Very charming place. Lovely surroundings, great pool and pleasant service.
Linn Stokstad
19:36 07 Oct 24
Fantastic service. I have used Primatoscana both privately and when I had to organize a larger event through my company. Thanks to Cecilie and Knut for helping to make dreams come true!
Camilla Svendsen
08:54 22 Aug 24
Casa Mira is an absolutely lovely place with plenty of space and facilities in true Tuscan style. Very nice family who welcomed us and followed us up along the way if we needed help. They quickly arrived when we called, for example when the power went out a couple of times during our stay. Rubbish was emptied every day, and we came to a clean and tidy house on arrival.We were two families with a total of 8 children, for which the house was perfect. The only thing we would like was air conditioning in all bedrooms, only two bedrooms have this and it was very hot at night.Super location with a short stroll to the nearest local baker with fresh bread every morning, a lovely pizza place with takeaway, and a short drive to the nearest grocery store. Very good restaurant just down the street from the house. And a lively playground/meeting place two minutes away where families, young people, grandparents etc. met in the evenings with a small kiosk, tennis court, football pitch and playground. The kids had a great time here.We would love to come back to Casa Mira!!
Bodil Moe
09:50 05 Aug 24
We had a great stay in the beautiful Villa Sole Mio. The villa has a great view, lovely garden and great pool. Air conditioning in all rooms.
K Johansson
20:07 18 Jun 24
Primatoscana is a very professional operatorwith high quality dialogue and communication before the start of the stay.Perfect family place in lovely surroundings. Nice pools and not least very good qualityfood in the on-site restaurant.
Stig Brathaug
14:26 25 Jan 24
The house exceeded our expectations, it was almost like a castle with a lovely location in central Tuscany, close to other great places. There were 12 of us, grandparents with children and grandchildren. The accommodation was top notch, and the property with its own pool was undisturbed. We stayed in Villa Torre in Iano.