Recipe – Focaccia

Feriehus i Italia : Oppskrift på Focaccia : Primatoscana

This recipe gives a delicious and soft focaccia. The Italians can’t live without focaccia.

When we had Italian friends visit us, they could not understand why it was so difficult to get focaccia in the shops in Norway.


1 large rectangular baking pan
About 1 ½ hours

What do you need:

1 kg flour
1 l lukewarm water
20 g salt
50 g fresh yeast

3-4 tablespoons good olive oil
1 tablespoon salt flakes
Fresh rosemary

250 °C for 25 min


Here are tips with a little twist on how to serve the Focaccia.

3 leeks
1 cup raisins
salt and pepper
120 g Taleggio cheese
Extra virgin olive oil

This is how you do it:
Mix the yeast in lukewarm water, add flour and salt. Knead the dough in a bowl, feel free to use a food processor. This becomes a really sticky dough. Cover with plastic and let the dough rise for 30 min. Spread the dough evenly in a baking pan lined with baking paper. Sprinkle olive oil, flaked salt and fresh rosemary over the dough. Bake the focaccia in the middle of the oven until it is golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

Soak the raisins for 10 min. Fry finely shredded leeks in olive oil until soft. Add raisins (drained), salt and pepper, stir for 5 minutes. Set aside.
Divide the focaccia into four, like a sandwich. Place these in an oven proof dish.
Soak each part with olive oil, and grill in the oven for 5 minutes.
Spread leeks and raisin mixture over the 4 foccacias and place slices of Taleggio cheese on top. Cover with the top part of the focaccia. Grill until the cheese is melted, serve immediately.