Lucca – Most beautiful city in Tuscany

Lucca er en koselig gammel by med trange brosteinsgater og lite biltrafikk. Her ligger koselige trattoria, kafeer og spesialforretninger tett i tett. Det er en opplevelse i seg selv å handle matvarer hos en av de lokale slakterne i byen. Her får du de beste råvarer hva gjelder oster, skinker, oljer, vin, frukt og grønnsaker. Lucca sentrum er omkranset av en 4,2 km lang imponerende bymur. På bymuren kan man ta en sykkeltur (det er flere sykkelutleieforetninger i byen), rusle en tur eller ha picknick. Bymuren er en av de best bevarte bymurene i Toscana. Lucca har røtter helt tilbake til etruskertiden.

Walking around the streets of Lucca is like walking in a movie setting. It’s as if you travel several hundred years back in time. It feels as if time has stood still in Lucca. The city has 99 churches and several piazzas, and if you take a trip up to the city’s highest tower – Torre Guinigi – you will be able to see the city from a birds eye view.
A vibrant city all year round
In Lucca, it is the cyclists who rule. Bicycle bells ring briskly, and you just have to step aside when the suit-clad Italian rides past, perhaps on his way home from work. Lucca is a vibrant city all year round. The Lucchese loves their city, and are good at taking advantage of all that the city has to offer

There are still cultural events in the city. Lucca is the birthplace of Giacomo Puccini, who has written famous operas such as Madame Butterfly and La Bohème. It can be a great experience to attend an opera concert in Lucca. In the church of Chiesa di San Giovanni there is a concert every day 365 days a year. Every summer a music festival is held in the center of Lucca. It runs throughout July and boasts international stars.