Now you can safely plan your holiday in Italy!

We miss Italy and can’t wait to travel back!

Italy is soon green.
From 5 July 2021, the Norwegian entry restrictions and quarantine rules will be based on the same threshold values as the EU. From 5 July, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will abolish the Travel Council, which advises against all travel that is not strictly necessary to the countries in the EEA / Schengen and the United Kingdom. Read more on the government’s website here.
If you are planning to travel to Italy, we recommend that you check the updated rules for Entry Quarantine and rules on arrival in Norway
Safe accomodation at our villas and apartments
Our holiday homes and apartments are carefully selected and our partners have extensive experience in tourism and accommodation management. You can rest assured that the place you order through us follows infection control measures in force at any given time. Many of our holiday homes, apartments and agritrutismo are located in rural and quiet surroundings far from crowded tourist destinations. We emphasize that the places we offer on our website have outdoor areas that are regularly maintained by a gardener, a swimming pool that is thoroughly cleaned, good routines for cleaning, and that the building generally is well maintained. The places should be located in beautiful surroundings, but still central. The goal is, that in our accomodation you can enjoy the freedom of plenty of space, be able to take a dip in your own or shared pool, enjoy the sun and views of the beautiful Italian landscape. Get to know Italian culture, buy local Italian delicacies in the nearest village and be able to prepare a meal in your own kitchen. Maybe have a creamy cappuccino while shopping for bread for breakfast, learn some new Italian words, visit a winery in the local area, order a pizza and a glass of wine in a piazza on a hot summer evening or take a dip in the Mediterranean. The list of what we dream of doing on holiday in Italy is endless!
Booking accomodation for 2022
We are experiencing that the summer season 2022 is already beginning to fill up. Many have moved their summer holidays from 2021 to 2022, and are now eager to travel. Italy is a favorite holiday destination for many. We therefore recommend, for those planning a summer holiday in Italy, to book as soon as possible to secure a holiday home. These are our standard payment routines: When booking a holiday home for the summer holiday 2022, the first payment is a deposit of 30% of the total amount. The final settlement is due 60 days before arrival. At several of our holiday homes and apartments we have seperate payment terms. Contact us about the terms that apply for the reservation you wish to make. When booking a stay for the summer season, our general payment terms and conditions apply, but should it be necessary, it will be possible to move the reservation without losing the amount you have paid.
Travel tips in Italy
The Italian National Tourist Board’s website states that from 28 June 2021, the whole of Italy was defined as a white zone. The rules that must still be observed are keeping a distance of 1 meter and avoiding crowded areas.
Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream shops and patisseries are open. They must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside at any one time. There is no limit to the number of people who can sit at the same outdoor table. Up to a maximum of 6 people (not in the same household) can sit together indoors. There is no limit to the number of people when two 2 families (same household) eat together at the same table.
The following places are now open to the public: indoor and outdoor swimming pools, outdoor and indoor sporting events, trade fairs, conferences and congresses, fitness and spa centers, theme and amusement parks, private events (including those related to civil and / or religious ceremonies), outdoor and indoor gaming halls and gaming shops, bingo halls and casinos.
Face masks and keeping a distance
The use of a face mask is always mandatory in indoor public places throughout Italy. Masks are no longer mandatory outdoors, but you must always bring one with you and wear it if you are in an area where it is not possible to observe the safety distance of 1 meter. The following persons are not required to wear masks: children under 6 years of age, persons with disabilities and their carers if the mask makes communication between them impossible.
Always keep a distance of one meter from other people and wash your hands often. If this is not possible, clean them with alcohol-based disinfectant gels. You will find disinfectant gel dispensers at the entrances to shops, restaurants and other businesses.
Here you can find up to date travel information for travelling to and when you are in Italy: The Norwegian Government’s Travel Advice to Italy
We recommend following the official travel advice given by international and national authorities. Here you can stay up to date on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website.
Travel insurance
Booking a stay through Primatoscana is not a package tour. When booking holiday homes, apartments or hotel accomodation, it is recommended to have travel insurance. Check carefully what your travel insurance covers. If you are booking for several families to rent a villa together, it is important that each family has their own, comprehensive travel insurance. Remember that children over the age of 22 are often not covered by family insurance.